ACCO certification in skin cancer surgery

The ACCO certification in skin cancer surgery requires the following:

  • Successful completion of the 5 day flap and graft program*
  • Satisfactorily pass the on line ACCO exam in skin cancer surgery - Details below
  • The candidate must be a registered medial practitioner in their country / state

* Surgical skills at the required tasks will be assessed at the 5 day workshop.

The candidate must demonstrate the skills necessary to perform the following closures:

  1. Rhomboid flap
  2. Transposition flap
  3. O - S flap
  4. O - Z flap
  5. Bilobed flap
  6. Twin advancement flap
  7. ROM flap
  8. A - T flap
  9. Rotation flap
  10. Small full thickness skin graft


The on-line examination has 200 multiple choice questions. Time allocated is 240 minutes and pass requirement is 140 correct answers. The exam involves theory questions as well as recognising clinical images, dermoscopic images and some histology photomicrographs.

The first 146 questions of the diploma exam involve theory questions. There are 6 possible answers to each question of which only one answer is preferred. Many of the questions are of a case study format. you will be guided through a patient's experience with skin cancer and asked how you would choose management and advice options at each stage. The emphasis is on the clinical management of common skin cancers and benign skin lesions.

The remaining 54 questions of the exam include 9 pages of 6 images each. Candidates have to match every image on each page with 6 diagnoses. As such answers A through F will appear each only once on every image page.

The images in the surgical certificate exam include clinical images, dermoscopic images as well as histopathology photomicrographs.

The exam progresses from page to page. Once you press submit at the end of every page your answers to that question will be submitted and you will be forwarded to the next page.