How fatal is my melanoma ?

Assessing the relative risk of death from details of a primary melanoma Download this chart Breslow thickness Node US / FNA ## Trunk locationand / or ulceration in primary tumour % 5-year survival range estimate @@ 1mm Negative Neither 96+ One 93 -...

Draft Wiki guidelines on BCC and SCC

ACCO commentary on draft Wiki guidelines ACCO is very concerned about draft Australian wiki guidelines on BCC and SCC. As it stands ACCO recommends that members ignore the draft. We hope that a major rewrite might make this set of guidelines of value. At...

Retracted articles in AJGP

AJGP retracts 2 ACCO manuscripts on melanoma AJGP retracts ACCO articles on melanoma In October 2019 the Australian Journal Of General Practice retracted two detailed updates on melanoma written by your ACCO team. The Journal approached ACCO in November 2018 and asked us to...